Not Quite Nigella
What's On in Pretty Beach
Pretty Beach House is a fitting moniker for a luxury lodge that looms high above bushland and beach below. Reopened after a long two year renovation following a series of fires, many say that it has emerged better than ever before. Come and take a look at the spectacular Treetops Penthouse and the sumptuous food offering, managed in partnership with the Barry's in conjunction with restaurateurs Stefano Manfredi and Julie Manfredi Hughes.
Hotels can really be magical places to visit. If a hotel does things well, it can help to re balance a life askew. It can offer tranquility in the eye of a storm and in some cases, provide some unexpected delights. Before we visit a place, I try not to look too far in the details and photos of a hotel prior to arriving because I want to be surprised. And it's not too hard to keep our destination on the Central Coast a surprise - Pretty Beach House has been closed for two years during a complete renovation and reopened for just one week. Read more...
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